Friday, January 20, 2012

Jan. 20th 2012 #2

I'm really bored, so I decided to thrill you guys with another perspective thingy! You must be so excited, right? I know you are (:
These are things from my perspective. They may be weird, annoying, or just plain stupid. Enjoy!
1. People don't use turn signals.
- Alright man, lets go... wait, hold on. Your changing it up on me, your turning? Okay, where is your turn signal? TURN IT ON! What are you doing with your life? Ya know, I thought we had a good car to car relationship.. I guess not. I will cry in a corner now.
2. When someone doesn't wash their hands after going to the bathroom.
- So freaking disgusting. I saw this girl do it in 8th grade, it was nasty! You just wiped you butt, you come out of the stall, touch your face and hair, then leave!? Uhm, ew... it takes like a minute to wash your hands..
3. Someone, male or female, who wears to much perfume/cologne.
- Yes, I would like you to smell nice if we are going somewhere together, but if I can smell you from your house before we even meet up, its too much! I don't want you to smell like a walking perfume store.
4. People who dress their pets.
- Your dog, Fufu, is not human. Did you not have dolls when you were little? So now you dress up your dog and make them suffer. Animal cruelty is frowned upon.
5. When people clip their nails anywhere.
- "Hey, I found your toenail clippings in the bathtub!" Why did you do this? I would like to take sanitary baths and showers.. "I found them in my eggs this morning!!" WHAT THE HELL!? I thought we already went through this.. What if you found my nails in your mouth? HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THAT?!
Grace contributed to this blog post!
There will be five of these every Friday! Hope you liked it (:

Jan. 20th 2012

These are things from my perspective. They may be weird, annoying, or just plain stupid. Enjoy!
1. When on a plane, a person sleeps on someone else's shoulder.
- Okay, first, its creepy. Second, who are you to be sleeping on someones shoulder like that. If I were that person, I would be like "I aint no pillow, am I filled with feathers?"
2. Kids who tease dogs through fences.
- You know the dog is gonna get mad, so why do it? Two things will happen: either it will jump over the fence and bite your face off or it will bark at you really loudly. Most likely, it will jump over the fence. Good luck!
3. People who ask the most stupid questions ever.
- What is wrong with you? "Does a dollar sign have one line or two?" It doesn't matter Sally. "How do you spell Mount Rainer?" Look it up or sound it out, geez. "How do you know you think you saw Billy? WHAT?!
4. Bikers who ride in the road.
- That happened to me and my mom. This guy was right in front of the cars and people were honking at him. Seriously dude, move! Then this one time a lady crossed right in front of the car and we almost hit her! Lady, do you really want to die today? Didn't think so.
5. When a couple says "We're pregnant".
- That's just not possible. If you share a uterus, then okay I guess so, but you don't. The lady is pregnant not both of you. Plus, it's just weird if you say that.
There will be five of these every Friday! Hope you liked it (: